This is just a little meaningless page dealing with some of my interests and hobbies. It is here to give others a little insight into my life and just to have fun. Let me know of any suggestions to make the site better. I am always open to constructive criticism. And while you're here make sure you sign the guestbook. I hope you enjoy your stay. While you're here if you're interested check out my trading card collection and see if you want to make a trade. Utinni! 
What's New! 7/3/2002
Happy Independence Day all you Americans!! Okay, I know it's tomorrow, but what are the chances of me actually updating 2 days in a row??
Anyways, I got some Realms of the Elf-Lords yesterday, and my haves and wants have been updated, so take a look.
Another update!!
I'll try to keep my haves and wants list updated rather frequently, since a new set of LOTR has come out and I can't afford to actually buy any really.